Windy windy windy

The windy blows and blows. I don't remember it blowing like this when I was a kid. My Mom does not remember it blowing like this when she was a kid. And my 86 year old MIL says it did not blow like this when she was a kid. I wonder if there are records kept of wind. There is of heat and cold so why not wind. I would love to know if it truly is blowing more now and harder now than in times before. Have we cut down too many trees. Are we changing the Earths patterns by so called human progress. I know our seasons are sure different. I remember yearly as a kid snow coming labor day weekend (first one in September) and having snow on the ground till March or April. Now quite often there is no snow on the ground at all until March. That is a huge change. No wonder we are in a drought. Then the rains just run off the dry soil rather than sinking in and floods happen. I am so hoping we do not have another one this year like we did last year. Seeing that water creep accross the parking lot of the building I work in was just gut wrenching. Thank heavens it never got as far as the building. A bank on the other side of the river gave way and my favorite park in my whole city was submerged and ruined. It is still not open to the public. WHen it does reopen I have no idea what it will be like.
Blogging thought for the day was technology. What would we do it we didn't have it. Well for me technology is the computer. I don't have new fangled electronic gizmos. The biggest effect it would have on me is not being able to do my accounting work on a computer. Having to go back to ledgers and journals. Which is what we learned on when I was in college. (kind of dates me eh). In fact I have a cell phone that is from 1992 that I still use. It is a relic. Andy Rooney did a segment on it a while back, and had the kid at the store ask him what it was cause he had never seen one. All he needed was a new battery. With my friend coming here from Montreal in July, and us doing a bunch of day trips in a less than reliable vehicle I think I should get a cell phone I can rely on. I stopped in at Rogers yesterday to ask how to go about getting a new one. He said he could pull my account up and find out if it was better to get one on a plan or buy one outright. He asked me my or hubbys cell number. I had to pull out my electronic daytimer that is also 10 years old just to find the numbers. He was slack jawed at that. HE HE HE. My husband and I are on the phone all day long at work. We do not want to be on the phone after work. Our cell phones are a matter of having one in case of emergency and that is it. We don't use lots of minutes or need any extreme plans. The guy at the store recommended I just buy a new phone and leave our plan alone. He was just taken back that someone especially two someones could actually not use a cell phone ALL the time. SO technology, without it, I would miss the debit card for buying stuff and internet banking. And the readiness and quickness of news.
Anyone recommend a good phone to buy?


Nancyroo said…
Just don't buy a motorola. The charger thingy breaks easily. DH has an LG and he likes it.

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