My hero Curious George

As a child I loved Curious George books. Mom was at her wits end re-reading the one that I owned over and over to me. Drove her nuts. When I had my own kids I thought great I can revisit the world of Curious George. Alas, neither one of my kids really care for his stories. I bought myself the two hardcover releases of his books. I love them. Well yesterday afternoon I took my Mom and daughter and me to the afternoon matinee to see the movie of Curious George. I loved it. It was so cuts. The peak a boo part so adorable. I will be getting it on DVD when it is out, and even my daughter had to say she liked it. She is starting to grow up too fast. She can now anticipate what is about to happen. As soon as George looks in and sees the open cans of paint she is OH OH. So cute. I seriously want to get the soundtrack for it too. What a voice that man has. Sends shivers down my spine. In a very good way.

Well Friday afternoon me, son and daughter all went to get hair cuts. My hairdresser must have had the short scissors out. Boy did she go to town. OH OH. I had said I wanted daughters hair framed around her face and shorter so it was not in her eyes. Then I took son and went and sat on couch out of view. She comes in and I am thunderstruck. Her hair is short everywhere. I recovered well and said oh you are so pretty. What pretty preety hair you have. But I imagine the look on my face was pure horror. It has kind of grown on me though. She has an absolutely gorgeous neck. She is going to be quit the looker as she gets older. Mind ended up way to short as well and my cow lick is not doing nice things at all. Sons circle cowlick is back in the centre of his head too. To be blessed with cow licks. NOT nice.

Something I would change about myself other than something physical. That is the blog ponder for the day. I think I would have to say to curb my temper and get rid of the yelling and screaming. I am so pround of myself when I manage to get through a difficult circumstance without having yelled. But no matter what Dr Phil says about it being just a conscious decision it is not that simple. I tell myself every single night tomorrow it will not happen, and I tell myself every morning before I get out of bed that I will not do it. But invariably when the kids are not listening and I have to repeat myself over and over and over then it happens. I hate myself for doing it. So that is what I would change. No screaming or yelling.


AshleyS said…
I'm a yeller too! And it does come out before you know it!

As for the haircuts--you reminded me that I need to make an appointment. :)
Nancyroo said…
ahh, haircuts. I swear I always get the scissor happy hairdresser when I go, too! that's why I only get a hair cut once or twice a year!

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