If I don't blog do you know

that I am just not up to speaking or do you think I am just to busy?

I wonder who comes and visits my blog, and who they are, and if they find me entertaining?

This morning was a rough morning. My DD woke me up way before wake up time. To tell me that her little brother had hit her. It just went downhill from there. She informs me that I forgot to make her lunch last night. Has a real fit over it. I make it. I feed her, she eats two pieces of toast and cheese and a glass of milk. Then asks for dinosaur porrridge eats that. Steals her brothers goldfish crackers and then asks for another package of porridge and eats that too. Where does the kid put it all. On the other hand the little guy never seems to eat anything for me. Good thing he eats at daycare or he would be even smaller than he is. Daughter is pushing son on his bed, I say don't do that he will hit the headboard. She does it again, I get up off the floor and turn around as you guessed it the third hit nails his head on the metal headboard. She gets kicked out of his room and the door shut in her face. She is screaming. Son is crying real tears in pain. I get him dressed. and go out of the room and get both son and daughter in kitchen chairs. Lecture time coming. Listen to Mommy, do what mommy says, mommy knows what can happen. Do what mommy says the first time she says it. etc etc etc. SO daughter by this time is just sobbing she is so sad and son is ignoring me. I big boy. Sometimes I wonder why did I become a parent. So daughter tells son she never wants to see him again ever. So mommy goes into her lecture about how would she feel if son was to die again and she had to live with those being the last words said forever. Not very good she says. I make them hug and say they love each other. Then daughter says, she doesn't belong in the family, cause all we ever do is fight. I asked her if she wanted to leave. She asked where she could go. I told her that there are foster families that take people in. SOme are good some are bad. Just like parents some are good and some are bad. But it would be strangers and she would have to live by their rules, and she would not be able to change her mind once this was set in motion. She said she would think about it today. That absolutely made my heart die. What am I going to do??????????????


Anonymous said…
Hugs and more hugs Oscar!!! We've been there, too and it doesn't seem to get any easier when they get older :(
Kristin K Stock said…
Man......if I had a magic ball and could just transport myself :) Big ole hugs to my Pal Oscar!!
Leslie said…
Well I'd like to say I had a good day too. Aside from my good news early this morning my day went downhill as well. I'm in your boat and the water is still rocking it. I find you interesting and check in often. Hugs to you.
Paula... said…
Hey I'm always stalking you and your blog ROFL. I'm sorry you've had a shitty day - just remember little ones don't understand the ramifications of their words. They don't say things to be mean, they just say what's in their head because they're too young to understand about tact. It's all a big game to them, so I wouldn't take it to heart - I know it's not easy sometimes, but it's the best way I've learnt to deal with it all.

Hugs across the oceans to you my friend :)
Jenny said…
I once told my son I would phone someone to pick him up to take him to a foster home ...and everything I had paid for would stay here. He soon changed his mind. Hugs to you
Lori Petticrew said…
you top my list.....
hugs to you
Cheyenne said…
I agree with what Paula said. Kids say things one minute and forget them the next, but if it was hurtful it stays with a parent for quite some time. Been there, done that...and my daughter is ok today.
Rochelle said…
I can so relate. Wow. Today was quite a tug-a-war with my nearly 7-year-old. Actually, we have had quite a week. It is just hard being the mom some days... some weeks... hang in there. The rewards are coming... :)
Cassandra said…
Hugs Oscar! Don't you love the "let me test the limits stage"??? I told my hubby the other night that I was thankful we didn't have twins-ha! I hope knowing that your virtual friends are sending hugs help a little!

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