Some updates with pics

My daughter got her art project recognized at school assembly. She did a maple leaf and used some cool "technique"s that she has learned in scrapbooking. So here is a picture of it.

My little guys foot and the wart that just would not go away. Took 4 visits to the doctor, lots of pain, swelling, and no jumping. It is finally on the mend now. Hope he does not get any more. Water shoes are a definite purchase before we go swimming again.

and a couple of halloween costumes for this year.


Anonymous said…
I had a problem with a wart on my foot too when I was in about 6th grade and it took forever to go away...BTW so how do you like my blog is it snazy or what LOL
Paula... said…
So glad to see scrapbooking coming in handy LOL. Love the costumes and great to hear the wart is finally on the mend :)

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