April 19 is a rough day

20 years ago today I miscarried a baby. I can imagine myself with a 20 year old running around. Maybe even a grandma, that is a rough thought. For years when I could not conceive I wondered if I was being punished for miscarrying my first. I was young, got pregnant in college, and was sick all the time. I had morning sickness 24 hours a day every single day, I lost a lot of weight. I was alone and I was scared. I went to bed one night feeling very ill, I woke up two days later in the hospital. I had hemarraged and been uncousious, and almost died. I miscarried in my fifth month. When I missed college some friends tried to reach me and couldn't so called my ex and he had the landlord let him in. It saved my life. I have always felt so guilty that I was just that little bit relieved that it had happened. I was so young, and on my own, and did not want a child raised the way that I had been raised. Feelings just all over the place. It hit me like a ton of bricks again when I was pregnant with my daughter and son, I relished every minute of the pregnancy's. I don't think I truly relaxed until I was into my sixth month on each of them. With todays technology if I had had my baby in a hospital they probably could have saved his/her life. But 20 years ago, and the fact that it happened at home it just was not a possibility. I never got to see the baby, hold the baby, find out what sex it was or anything. My ex tormented me with the fact that he knew and he would never tell me. Good thing he was my ex. At his worst tormenting me, he told me that it was a monster, that it was deformed, and that was why I miscarried. He was a real piece of crap. I always wonder in my mind just what really happened. I was so ill, and so young I did not even know what to ask the doctors. I was so scared and so ignorant of what to do and what to ask. I don't even know what ever happened to the baby. It brings me to tears even twenty years later to think that my baby may have been discarded like garbage. Because whatever my baby was, it certainly was not garbage, and even though I was young and scared I loved that little one so much and wanted the best life it could have.
While pregnant with my DD I never had morning sickness, and while pregnant with DS I had it at anytime of the day for over six months. That pregnancy scared me cause it was so familiar to the one I miscarried. So I wonder and think within my heart that I have an angel son somewhere out there looking over me.

I did this LO a few years ago and it has some hidden journalling on it about my thoughts on what would have been his/her birthday, and the day I walked out the back door and saw this beautiful sunrise and felt peace flow over me.


Laurie said…
awww girl!! *big hugs* for whatever reason i'm sure it wasn't your fault ...it happened for a reason....we just never know these things...don't beat yourself up...you know you loved and would have done the best you could for a good life.

i wouldn't let those words from your ex beat you up either girl. you know better i hope...sounds like those issues within himself..so let him carry those.

hope your day gets better.
hold your babes close to you...they are your treasures.
Lori Petticrew said…
i am so sorry about that sher. and the fact that the ex was a jerk.
sending you hugs
Denise said…
Oh, Sherri...I'm so sorry for that loss. And "phewwy" on your "ex". Like you said, good thing he's your ex...JERK!

Like Laurie said...all things happen for a reason and we just never know those reasons. And its hard to justify things when they hurt so terribly bad.

I'm thinking of you girl...and know that you DO have an angel watching over you!

Anonymous said…
sending love to you sweetie. dont get down, you are a great mother and you appreciate it so much now. some things just help prepare you for the next step. love you!
Stacy said…
Hugs to you sweety....I dont know what to say so I will listen. I know through my miscarriage (which was hard but yours was even worse)I just wanted someone to listen. So I am here for you hun!
Anonymous said…
I'm so sorry that you had to go through that sweetie. Lots of hugs from me to you.
AshleyS said…
Major ((((HUGS))) to you my friend. No matter what the baby's sex, he/she WAS NOT a monster, they were created in GOD'S image. Screw him for saying that. I'm so sorry the feelings have to resurface each year--bless you and your angel baby.
Anonymous said…
{{{{{{hugs}}}}}}} I am so sorry for your loss. I'm sure your baby was an angel. Your ex sounds like a total @ss.
Anonymous said…
I am so sorry, Sherri. {{{hugs}}} You have an angel, hold onto that thought.
Sad for your loss :( I am sure that pain never goes away completely, but I am glad you';ve stayed strong!
Jenny said…
Ah Sherri - what do I say to you? No baby is a monster - they are all beautiful and perfect. What a hard thing to carry with you so all I can do is offer you some hugs from across the world ...and that angel is out there in the sunrise and the sunset and the sunshine and the snow
Huge hugs to you today.

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