Marvel at a new day!

As my little guy and I are walking out the back door of the house, he stops right in his tracks. Looking deep into the sky in the east and says MOM, it is so PRETTY. Yes my little guy took the time to appreciate a wonderful sunrise. I leaned down and we both just stayed there and marveled at the beauty of a new day. The pinks and oranges and the prettyness of it all.

He surprised me last night too. Little guy had a strange day yesterday. Yanked out of bed two hours early, dumped at daycare when no other kids were there, getting picked up early, and having a very upset sister. His schedule was just all off. He is cuddling up to me on my bed trying to find some security and comfort. He looks at a picutre on my wall that has been there forever. IT is the first time he has noticed it as far as I knew. He says, the ocean is really hitting those rocks Mom. And that is a really really huge waterful. And the water is going into the ocean isn't it Mom?. This just took me by surprise. For a little guy that just over a year ago could only say Mom, Dad, wuv you, he has words now that I did not even know he knew. Ocean, waterfall, huge, it made me smile. I took the picture almost twenty years ago when hubby and I were in Martinique. The foreground has the water hitting the rocky shore with a huge waterfall coming down out of the rainforest, and the rainforest is bathed in fog. I got it enlarged and it has been with me ever since. As far as I know this particular picutre has never been discussed with him before so he did excellent knowing what everything was.

Out of bed at 5:30 am yesterday. Get myself, hubby, daughter and son ready and out the door by 6:30. Keeping no food or water allowed for daughter. To the dentist before 7. Drugs were administered, daughter now weighs 58 pounds , no wonder I can't lift her. Mom and Dad are kicked out of the room and the screaming begins. I go to the bathroom, to weep in private, but I could actually hear her screaming better in there than the waiting room, I go outside in the dark to walk it off for a while. It is so so tough for me to endure the times when my daughter is in that kind of upset mood. Finally two hours later, the work is done, the screaming still continues. I am asked to pay the bill and almost faint. Oh my god, how can two hours work cost that much. It makes me feel like such a failure as a parent when we can't afford to pay for medical care for our children. Thank god for credit cards, although I don't know where the money will come from for them. Daughter screams and cries all the way home, whenever I speak or touch her she howls even louder. Daddy doesn't have much better luck. I get some liquid pain killers in her, and that makes her sleepy, and she rests for a while. Grandma calls to check up on her, and wakes her up. The crying starts all over again. I do what I can to comfort her. Daddy is out running around. It is up to me myself to try and contain a 58 pound drugged child. Finally I am able to administer more pain medication. Daddy comes home, but without the milkshake twice asked for. So he leaves again. Comes home iwth it finally. She drinks a little bit of it and then asks to lie down for a while. She has cried for almost another two hours. She lays down and goes to sleep. by this time, I myslef am on the verge of freaking out myself. Her tongue is still so swollen I have no idea what was actually done. No, the dentist didn't even have the courtesy to talk to us afterwards. The little girl accross the street comes and rings the doorbell after school to see if daughter can come and play, waking her up. She is so upset we won't let her out, and her friends parents won't let their daughter come in to play.
Can't get her to eat anything, but drank the rest of her shake, she says her teeth and mouth hurt. I finally get a look inside, she has five caps, more than we had originally been told, I don't know how many fillings, and her two adult molars I hope are sealed. I am not sure if the cleaning took place or not. She is crying pretty much the whole time. I get more painkillers in her and try to calm her. Not an easy thing to do. Finally a shower and some cuddles and in to bed. She sleeps for a little bit, but the crying starts up at 11 and goes on till after two. She finally cries herself to sleep. Dad comes upstairs finally after she is quiet and asleep and says whats up. argggg.

I admit it I am a sap. The tooth fairy came to our house last night, with a YOU WERE A BRAVE GIRL note and a little pony gift. I know a total sap. No teeth were pulled but man she suffered. I am always complaining about hubby buying stuff, and this time it was me.

She slept till 5 and got me up then. She still says her teeth hurt and had a hard time with porridge this morning, but she did decline the pain killers. She went to school, and I told her to have someone call me if it got to be too much for her.

I feel that I went through the whole situation by myself. Why do I feel that way? My little girl has eyes as black as black due to all the crying yesterday. WIth her fair skin it shows up so much. My son is confused as to why his sister is so upset, I am upset, and hubby is just plain distant. This was a traumatic experience for me, for her, for us. Now it is over, I hope to never have to do it again.


Lori Petticrew said…
((hugs)) i was there with you...

poor boo! i pray that she will never have a bad experience like that.

what's up with DH. forgeting the milkshake the first time!

sorry you have to endure that.

ds: what a smart little man
Leslie said…
poor boo. I hope she is better today. give her a hug for me.
Neen and Mike said…
You are such a wonderful mum Cheri... and poor boo.... give her lots of hugs. Sending one for you too!
Paula... said…
Oh Oscar, big hugs to you and a special one to booboobear. I've been through all of that with Laura and it's just heart wrenching isn't it. I was allowed to stay with Laura the whole way through everything, which was a comfort to both her and me. I just sat and held her hand and spoke softly to her the whole time.

I really think if your dentist had allowed this, it would have been way less traumatic on you both.
Jenny said…
Sorry it was all so traumatic and I hope she is already on the road to recovery

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