Medical update

Well after four doctors appointments and treatments, the wart on my little guys foot fell free on three sides last night. I had to cut the fourth side off with nail clippers. Hopefully the root and all is gone. AND he jumped out of the van today for the first time in weeks. It must be feeling better if he is jumping again. He actually went to sleep at a decent time last night too. Even if he did wake me up at 1:30.
Daughter was complaining Saturday night of ear pain and hearing loss in one of her ears. She had been diving in swimming lessons earlier and then played outside most of the afternoon. A decongestant and tylenol seemed to help. So today I bought a bottle of swimmers ear for next week.
We managed to find skates to fit her and a helmet with a face guard. Last year she fell and got four stitches so this year lessons require a full face guard. Hard to find for a little one. Her lessons start in two weeks. For a couple weeks they overlap with swimming. Those will not be fun Saturday mornings for me, but she will like them. Her swim instructor said she is doing very well so I think she can finish swimming and do skating too. Originally skating was full and she was on a long wait list so I put her in swimming. But skating added a coach to accomodate all the kids. So now the overlap. Was not sure what to do about it.
My pain is still severe. I have headaches so bad I puke most of the time, my neck shoulders and back are horrible. There are times I just cry cause of the pain.


Paula... said…
I'm so glad your little buys foot has finally mended itself and he can once again jump around to his hearts content :)

Hmmm skating - I always spend more time on my bum than standing, so I avoid it like anything (man it hurts when you fall flat on your behind!!)

Sorry to hear you're still struggle with such pain. I suffer from migraines and that sounds like what your headaches are, especially if nausea is present. Take and it easy and try not stress about things because that's a bigger trigger factor for migraines.

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