Traffic Tip

This could one day save your life. I know that it saved mine. I am once again passing it one to those that I can, in hopes that they will put it into practice and pass the tip onto as many people as they can. It was brought to the forefront of my thoughts today as a child was killed in an accident with this same scenerio. We need to save lives, it is easily preventable.

Then you are at a stop waiting to make a turn, keep the wheels of your vehicle pointing STRAIGHT forward. Do not turn them into the turn. This applies for a right hand turn and in my case a left hand turn. If you are rearended and your wheels are straight you go straight ahead. If you are rearended and your wheels are turned into the turn you go into the turn. This can push you into oncoming traffic and have tragic consequences. Just do it, keep your wheel straight.

Many years ago my DH took a driving course for work, that had this tip in it. A few months later he was driving us home. We were at a complete stop on a main highway. Waiting to make a left hand turn because a loaded oil tanker was coming, we were waiting for traffic to clear before our turn. We were rear-ended at 110 KM an hour that is about 60 miles an hour. We were pushed forward quite a distance, the trunk ended up in the back seat, and the lady that hit us was killed. What saved my life is that we were pushed STRAIGHT forward and not into the path of the loaded oil tanker. I would not be here today if he had not learnt this tip in a driving course.

We shared this tip with everyone we knew.

A few years later Joy and her three kids and she was pregnat with her 4th, were waiting to make a left turn off a highway into their driveway. They too were rearended at highway speed. Since Joy had heard our story she too had her wheels straight and went forward rather than into the path of oncoming vehichles.

It can save lives. Please put this tip into practice and please pass it on, especially to the young drivers just starting out.


Becky said…
Wow I've never thought about that. TFS :)

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