What a Weekend!

Well somehow my darling hubby managed to break TWO tierod ends on Friday on TWO different work trucks. The chances of that are just totally off the wall. So he did not make it home. On top of that Daughter was having her first sleepover with a friend, and son was having his first ever sleepover at Grandmas. First time in over 6 years I have had no kids in my house at night the first time. And hubby cannot even make it home. No justice in that. An adult night with no kids does not happen often.
My long term friend called, out of the blue and decided to grab a movie and come over. We sat on the couch and talked, and chatted, and watched the movie. IT was so nice. We can go months with out seeing each other and then just pick up where we left off. I love ya. I need you in my life.
It poured, absolutely poured rain on Friday. I did not even take my car out of the garage to go to the RocknRedDeer Super Run. Stayed home warm and dry and enjoyed the movie and a friend.
Saturday dawned sunny and bright. Hubby still not home, so I went to Superrun by myself. SOmetimes I think I spend half my life alone. Interesting thing though. My car club president told me that Superrun was pre-77 vehicles only. When I got to walking around though. There were lots newer ones. I asked at the info desk and was told due to poor enrollment of the older rods they had opened it up. I could have entered my car and did not know. Piss me off.
Rods were beautiful, not that many corvettes, and lots of newer stuff. Oh well. After walking for a hour and half my hip was killing me so I called it a day.
Hubby's good friend brought his Z06 Corvette over and we went for a drive. My first time in the car. Loved it. Hard shifts though are hell on a bad neck. 160 is the fastest I have ever gone in my life. The shifting actually would knock me out of my flip flops. I giggled so damn hard.
Awesome powerful car.
Then Saturday night we find out this same friends Mom passed away from cancer. Her pain and sufferieng is over, but man it is hard to say bye to someone who was full of such life.
Sunday Hubby and his friend went to the superrun. And forgot to come home. Well eventually they did. Took a while though. Never believe men when they say just a little while.
SO I took our friend out in my car. He said he had never been in a C4. So off we went. I took him up to 160 in it. Somehow there is a hell of a difference between 160 MPH and 160 KPH. But it was good to see a smile on his face.
Yesterday was a holiday in Canada. At least for me here in Alberta, something called Heritage Day. I scrapped a little, did laundry and all that kruddy house stuff.
So by the end of the weekend I had not seen hubby for more than about an hour all weekend, the kids were crying for their Dad, a dear friend had passed away, and I could have had my car in the show.
I am glad I had such a good time Friday night. Totally awesome.


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