First Day of School

Well my baby girl, started grade one today. I know everyone says it and is tired of hearing it, but how is that possible. Just seems like a couple of days ago I found out I was pregnant. And now she is riding the school bus and starting grade one. WOW.

She packed her own lunch last night, she was ready to go 1/2 before bus time, got on the bus with a big smile and a wave bye. She made it to the school before I did. She read the class lists posted on the door herself and went and found her room. She was unpacked and sitting at her desk when I got there. What a kid. I am so proud of her. SHe is so much more ready for this than I am. The first bell went and she startled (she does not like loud sounds) and she asked me what it was. I told her it meant school was getting ready to start. The second one goes off and she turns to me and says why aren't the parents leaving Mom, it is time for class. What a kid. I love her so much. Her teacher said it will be fine to take her Australian visitor in next week for show and tell. That should be fun.
There are 22 kids in her grade one class.
My little guy at 3 was heart broken when his big sister got on the school bus without him. He didn't scream or cry really just sobbed and sobbed. It hurt me deeply to see him like that. I got him calmed down and took him to daycare. Then the caretaker makes an off had comment I did not even get to say bye to your sister yesterday. The sobbing started all over again. That was why daughter beat me to school, and did so well on her own.
I am still sick. The anitbiotics other than giving me the runs and a yeast infection didn't really seem to do anything for the phnemonia. I still feel like my lungs are liquid and in a vise. The cough will not go away. My headaches are horrible. My moods not much better. I gotta pull myself together before our Australian friends get here on Saturday.


Cassandra said…
Sorry you are still sick but glad Boo is having fun at school, i didn't know she is taking Ozegirl for show and tell--AWESOME!

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