Snuggling warm and safe in bed

It is an unusal thing in my house, to be able to snuggle in bed and feel all warm and safe in the mornings. I typically have a kid that never sleeps so always had me awake long before I wanted to be awake. She has actually slept the majority of the last month and a half. I have of all things had to resort to setting an alarm clock. Can you believe it. Unbelievable. Due to the fact that in the last 6 years I have never had to use an alarm clock, I am not very good about remembering to set it at night. SO I have had a few really nice snuggable mornings in bed. Love them.

I got daughter registered for a camp for the Christmas break. It is all physical activity. Tumbling, gymnastics, wall climbing, etc, so I think she will love it. I also registered in a basic photography course for October. Maybe it will help some. The KIDS KICKING and SCREAMING afternoon, (all about personal safety with strangers) was already booked. I think with daughter going to school this year that it would have been a good thing for her to take.
The one request she had this year was to register in skating lessons again. I wanted to be able to do it, but the class was already full. I got the book yesterday and it is already full. We are fourth on the waiting list. Not likely to happen. I feel sad that the one thing she wanted to take is not available.

I got the most wonderful surprise in the mail yesterday. A friend from SJ Rak'd me. Inside was the neatest luggage tag I had ever seen. It says:
My Kid Can OUT Crop
Your Honor Roll Kid.
I love it. I am not much for bumper stickers but if it was a bumper sticker I would put it on the van. I really would.
Thank you so much Mona. Your card made me cry too: Just Because.


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