I am Canadian

Have I ever said that I am Canadian.

Sometimes I am so very very proud to be Canadian.

Our flag, red and white with a maple leaf in the middle.

Looking through a CANADIAN scrapbooking magazine last night, a layout in the mag had the flag with the red stripes on the top and bottom rather than the red stripes on the sides. It was a Canadian Magazine. I do not think the layout should have been published with the flag defaced.

The uproar over our national anthem ticks me off to no end. There is a line in it that says
"our home and native land", well a bunch of immigrants think that it is discriminatory. They want it changed. That sucks completely. You come to our country cause it is better than yours for whatever reason but you want to bring all the things that make your country bad with you. That makes no sense to me.

We have lost way to many soldiers in Afganastan in the last little while. A proud proud father was being interviewed in Edmonton recently. Asked if he was worried about his son going over , he smiles and says, well in the over two years Canada has been there we have lost about 20 people in Edmonton there have been 16 murders already this year. Makes you think.

Our Royal Canadian Mounted Police have been hit extremely hard over the past 18 months with deaths. It makes me so sad. They are doing their job and lose their lifes doing it. A RCMP canine was stabbed a couple of weeks ago taking down a suspect. His officer shot the guy, now he is saying the shooting was unjustified as it was "just" a dog. arggg, ticks me off.

All the Canadians that have been living overseas for years and not ever stepped foot back in Canada. Then cry that Canada did not get them evacuated right away. There was a letter to the Edmonton Sun a few weeks ago about this. I should have kept it and posted it. Call yourselves Canandian when it is convenient not the rest of the time is just wrong. Was the jist of the letter.

Politics. How does Canada even survive politics? We have a leader of a party and if that party is elected then the leader is automatically the premier or prime minister. We do not get a vote for the leader at all. Sarcastically here I love to turn on my TV at 8 pm on election day and know that the election is over even before our polls in Western Canada are counted. IT sucks. But I have voted in every election I have ever been elegible for.

We are Canadian, I am Canadian, we have close ties with the United States but we are not Americans. I had a post on 2peas pointed out to me a couple of weeks ago. The question was are Canadians as racist as the US. Some bright Canadian said "no we aren't" we like the african Canadians, and a little bit more then said something along the lines of if I am racist "it is only to the natives, they don't belong" Now if that is not racist I do not know what is. Being in red neck Alberta all my life, I see lots of intolerance. Lots of bigatry. It does exist. Especially to our First Nations People. And never in all my life had I ever heard the term African Canadian. Never. So yes Canadians can be racist, everyone can be racist. We need to teach tolerance and acceptance.

Alberta is a beautiful province. A wealthy province. It is rich in oil and gas revenues, we see the money go to the other provinces constantly. When Alberta agriculture was stricken and almost wiped out by drought and BST it hurt. IT hurt bad. Did we get a helping hand back? Not overly. A few programs, a few dollars, but nothing to keep our farmers from losing their lands and giving up. Suicide among farmers in Alberta is at an all time high. IT is sad.

Canada needs to look out for all the resources she has, and stand united.


Lori Petticrew said…
be proud!!!! be very proud!
you are free and able! stand tall

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