Overwhelmed with life

I have a problem.

Not a slight problem.

But an overwhelming problem.

In fact I am overwhelmed.

It is to the point that there is so much stuff that HAS to be done that I cannot even wrap my brain around where to start. This has taken over my home life and has recently invaded its way into my work life. I just cannot seem to do anything. I start one thing, see something else that needs done, and go over there to do it, then see something else, and go over there. Hense anything started is not ever finished. AND many many too many things are not even started that have to be.
I manage to do the musts, get food in my body, dressed, hair combed and the same with the kids but that is about it. I am struggling so so so much.
I mentioned this phenonoma to my Doctor last week and her brilliant comment was it has to do with my depression. Ya think. ?????
I know the logical thing to do is pick one thing and stick to it until it is done but the snowball just keeps getting bigger and bigger and bigger. My so called support system just keeps harping on the fact that the stuff is not done and why not. JUST DO IT. Well if I could JUST DO IT, I would have. RIGHT?????


Nancyroo said…
I wish I lived closer to you- I would come over and help you with some of the stuff. Is there anyone who could help you? After DS was born, I had postpartum depression. I couldn't muster up the energy to even pick up little things around the house. My MIL was a lifesaver- she came over and helped me put the house back together. ((Hugs))
Kristin K Stock said…
Oscar...you know that I love ya and I so wish I could wave a magic wand and make everything better for you cause you are an amazing person! Always, always remember that!!

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