Acting out or a cry for attention:

Read yesterdays blog and you will know that my DD had a punishment to stay in her room. She was eventually let out to join the family in the living room. Within five minutes she had kicked her little brother so hard that he actually went over on his side and ended up rolling over twice. Poor little ribs, and he scraped the heck out of his chin when it hit something. One of those scrapes that is oozy and yucky and sore. Poor little guy.
Daughter gets banished back to her bedroom. I get the door slammed in my face with a huge scram of I hate you. I walked away. I was concerned that if I walked in I would not stop.
Within five minutes she comes out and asks if I can fix her screen. Her what? Her screen. So I go in to check it out and find that she has put her head through the screen to the outside. WTH?
The screen totally needs replaced now and it will not keep any bugs out at all. SO now her bedroom will be really hot. I praise her for telling me about it, and not hiding that she did it, and so she thinks she can come out. I am like no you can't. I go into the bathroom next door, and I literally thought she was going to come through the wall on top of me. She was kicking and hitting the wall so hard. I am amazed that there were no holes in it. For that Daddy stepped in finally and issued the punishment.
So today since son so all this stuff going on yesterday, he is trying to do the same things. arggggg
So is she acting out or crying out for attention?


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