Six year olds

that know more than their mommies. argggg

Yesterday I asked Alexis not to take her new costume jewelry to daycare. I said it could get lost or broken. But oh no, it had to go , cause mom doesn't know anything.
Well guess what. When I pick her up at daycare yesterday, the necklace is broke, and somehow it is MY fault. Complete with stomping of foot and yelling on her part. One of the daycare workers pulled her aside and explained that that was just not done.
So we get home, and all of a sudden her sore ankle is MY fault. Seems if she did not have to stomp it cause she was mad at me it wouldn't hurt her. arggggg
Then I broke the news to her that skating class was filled up, we were on a waiting list, but should probably pick something else before every activity was filled. Huge temper tantrum, and of course it was MY fault. Seems if I hadn't been sicker than hell and in the doctors office friday with pnemonia that I could have picked up the activity guide on the day it came out and would have had time to register her before it filled up.
Then in bed out of bed, in bed out of bed, in bed out of bed, and should I mention that every time she gets out of bed her little brother has to get up to see what all the noise is about. So it is midnight, I still have two little kids awake, and me being sick I am needing my sleep. I finally tell both of them that if they get up again I will take away their stuff. I should NOT have done that. The little guy took me seriously and peed in his PJ's cause he was scared to get up and go.
My fault entirely.
So I have two tired miserable kids this morning and a Mom that is sick and way too tired.
So I get Austin, up, washed, dressed, fed, and ready to go, I get showered, dressed, and ready to go, I tell Alexis that it is time to put her shoes on at 8 AM. The screaming starts. I want my Barbie I want my Barbie, well get it. Thing is she does not know where she left it. Put on your shoes. NO. this goes on and on and on. She does not look after her belongings, puts nothing away where it belongs, and then it somehow becomes my FAULT. The screaming just goes on and on and on and on and on.
I know I know I am the parent and she is the child, but man I cannot force her to do anything without hurting myself. It sounds so so so stupid right now and childish but OMG it just would not end this morning. So she wants her Daddy, I am so pissed I call him at work at 8:30. Tell him what is going on and he says well YOU are handling it all wrong, find her the BARBIE. WTF, I wonder if the phone went through the wall when I threw it.
I literally wanted to take DD and smash her until no more sound came out. I know I didn't, and I wouldn't but I wanted to. OMG. I dearly wanted to.
My little guy is just shell shocked watching all this go on.
By 8:35 she finally puts on the shoes and WITHOUT Barbie we leave. I listen to her scream all the way to daycare and all the way into the daycare. What am I supposed to do? Leave her at home alone, miss another day of work? I try to have a conversation with her explaining to her why that is not appropriate behavior and all I get out of her is that if she puts on her listening ears she wants to go to Grandmas. NOT going to happen.
So now I have the "pleasure" of going to daycare to pick the two of them up and going through another evening alone with them and cleaning up the mess that was made this morning. And it is raining and they cannot even be banned to outside.
Am I the only parent in the world that does not even want to look at their child?
Sometimes people tell me that Alexis is just like me, sometimes that is a compliment. Other times it is such an insult that I want to put my fist through their faces. How could I possibly have raised such an unfeeling, uncaring, selfish, self centered little bitch. I really wonder. Cause I really do not view myself as that way. I worked hard for anything that I ever got or achieved, I never had anything handed to me, I never expected just to get something. How the heck do I have a child that thinks that the world owes her. Oh yah it can be called her dad and her grandma.


Lori Petticrew said…
well, i am sending you hugs and more hugs!

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