Thoughtful Thursday

Alberta headlines an announcement that there are 3,500 new positions for childcare in Alberta in 51 different communities.

So I read the report. Which can be found here....

It comes down to 3,489 positions at the cost of $4,853,940.00 that comes out to $1,391.21 per position. Makes me wonder.

Red Deer my community gets 68 positions at two differernt centres and $102,000, which works out to 1,500.00 per position.

I just do not get it.

I am pulled aside at daycare yesterday where my 4 year old DS attends full time. The owner of the centre tells me that C has left, that the other C is being moved to a new room, and that a brand new C, and J are going to start, and lead will be held by N who has been there two weeks. The daycare owner tells me she doesn't know why but she cannot keep staff in that room.

I pay $775.00 a month for him to attend daycare, I pay $255.00 a month for my daughter to attend after school care from 3-6 on school days. Any days off she has I have to pay extra or find alternate care.

Staffing is a huge issue at every daycare and childcare place in the city, wait lists average six months to get in. Turnover of staff is everywhere. People just one day do not show up, and the owners never hear from them again. It is hard on the kids, and a nightmare for the owners to manage the daily ratios.

A couple of years ago the federal government decided instead of stepping in and helping the situation that they would give familys $100.00 per child per month under the age of five. This is taxable money. It was supposed to equalize between working parents and stay at home parents. I do not see where it ever did. My rates from two years ago were $525.00 now I pay $775.00 how does that $100.00 even make a dent in it.

So now that these 3,489 spots are funded, where is the staff coming from?


April said…
That sounds like quite a problem. There must be such high turn-over because the daycare workers are paid peanuts compared to the fees that are charged. I also can't see how that $100 could do anything with the prices being so high. Good luck!
Stacy said…
Who knows Sheri. People were so excited at the prospect of help with daycare and then when the gov't announced the 100 per kid under six. I felt sick. How is anyone supposed to even think that will make a dent in daycare expenses per month. And then to TAX us on it? not only you say...the cost of care is going up so that 100 does nothing to offset the expense.

I can tell you that the gov't obviously has their collective head up their butt on the "new worker" thing. There must be a law in parliament that you need to be close to brain dead to hold a spot.
Robyn said…
My guess is the conditions at work and low pay are the reasons for high turn over.
Michelle said…
my head hurts - I don't do math...but sounds like there's definitely a problem
Paula... said…
OMGoodness childcare is soooo expensive - it almost doesn't make it worth you working IYKWIM.

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