My list - update one

Things that have to be done prior to APril 30.
1) clean off desk
2) sort out tax stuff Completed (find all tax stuff)
3) do my Mom's taxes completed
4) scrap book I gotta scrap book
5) start walking when it warms up
6) wash the vehicles Completed
7) clean out the vehicles COmpleted
8) put stuff back in DD room
9) clean the bathtub
10) clean the kitchen floor Completed

those are managable on top of everything else I HOPE


Leslie said…
I need to make a "to do" list myself. I have 4 weeks until DH comes home and things are gonna move fast at that point...I have several things to accomplish too! Keep it up...I'll be your cheerleader if you'll be mine. Love ya!
Cheyenne said…
Our taxes down here are due April 15th. I have mine ready for the last two months but I still haven't filed. I think I'll do them next Sunday. No NASCAR race on makes it easy.
Paula... said…
Good to see you're getting through that list - you're doing well getting so much completed already :)
Cassandra said…
Doesn't it feel good to mark things as "completed" ????

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