Once a year

Once a year a woman is supposed to go to the doctor and get a PAP smear done, and a man is supposed to go and get his prostate checked. Both equally distasteful but necessary.

If you book your appointment for around your birthday you should not forget.

Well today was my day. There is nothing like being naked on a doctors bed only having that fake little paper cover and having the power go off. YUP pick me, it happened. Not so fun.
Anyway she did what she did, and discussed my concerns and I already have a referral and appointment set up with a OBGYN for the 1st of February. Now that is scary. You know it is urgent if you can get in that fast. So some more sleepless nights and more stress, but at least the first is only a week away.

Have a good weekend.


Jenny said…
Happy Birthday as it must have been recent!! Good luck for that ObGyn visit - don't stress about it now as when you go you'll either be stressing unnecessarily or you'll have to stress twice
Paula... said…
YUK! I hope all went ok at the OBGYN..

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