My eyes are opened wide

My little guy turned three in July. I know he is my last and I am having a hard time with him growing up on me. Sometimes when I hold my breath and look at him just right I can still see baby in him. It does not happen often buy occasionally I do see it. Then in the blink of an eye that myth is dispelled and he is totally all boy. Totally all boy. From his stomp stomp stomp to his crash the cars to his jumping himself silly. What a kid. In the bathtub last night he is gathering his bath toys back up and we had quite the conversation. What one next Mom, so I say the orange fish. He picks up the orange his and demonstrates that they swim in the water. What one next mom ... the blue rocket. So he picks up the blue rocket and does the rrrr sound for a motor and flys it in the air up to the moon, what one next mom, the yellow sun, so the yellow sun gets picked up and he says not only is the sun hot but it is a yellow circle too Mom. My eyes just get wider and wider. Am I so busy with life that I am missing how much he has grown and matured. Or is it just all clicking together for him right now. Every single toy that was picked up he did by himself the proper motions for. The rabbit hopped, the turtle goes so so slow mom, the horse winnied, and the duck quacked. I know he has not learned it from me (I wish it was from me) but whereever he is learning things he is so very very much totally learning it. His dexterity and capability with small items totally outdoes his older sister, which is a sore spot for her. SO my baby is not my baby any more, he is my totally wonderful little boy.


Cheyenne said…
He will ALWAYS be your baby boy. You just don't know it yet.
Leslie said…
my oldest is turning 6 in another week. My baby boy is definetly growing up and some days I look at him and don't like it at all. I know how you feel.
Cassandra said…
I can totally relate-- a baby boy is nothing short of a miracle!

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