Happy New Year Everybody!!!

Hope you all had a good Christmas and a good New Year. WOAH that has yet to happen doesn't it. New Year goes for a full 365 days, there are 364 left to go. 2007 not 2006 on checks. Another birthday, another day another dollar. HA HA.

This year coming up will see some major milestones for us:

I turn the big 40, I feel like my life has gone by and I have not been there.
DH turns the big 50. Guess that is worse than the 40.
Daughter will turn 7 and son will turn 4. How is that possible?
My Mom is steadily having her alzehimers get worse and worse. It is to the point I do not feel safe leaving the kids with her. And she is the only backup I have.
Myles mom will hit 88 this year. I noticed a significant aging between October and when I saw her at Christmas.
I am still scrapping and want a scrap space of my own.
I want to lose weight even more.
I want to go back to aquasize.
I want an occasional date with my DH.
I want him to quit drinking and I told him that on New Years.
I want to take the kids camping. Really camping. They have never been and I miss it.
I want to smile more and yell less.


Lori Petticrew said…
work on that list very nice list and i will send you vibes

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