
A word to describe myself is a reader.

I read, and I read, and I read. I read cereal boxes for the upteenth time, I read novels, I read fiction, I read non-fiction. I read. My house as a child had many books in it from auctions. I could read a book and escape totally from where I was. Reading took me to places, and experiences that I never ever thought I would have the chance to experience myself. In college I read and read and read, texts and more texts and more texts. I never had a time to read for enjoyment. When school was over it was so nice to pick up a book, and just read, for the sake of enjoyment. My kids have tonnes of books, I read outloud to them while I was pregnant and when they were little. It wasn't until they were about six months old that I quite reading what I was reading outloud. Then I started on the kids books. We enjoy sitting with one on either side of me, and me in the middle reading. I enjoy laying in bed reading. I am a fast comprehensive reader, so I am told. Now I do it purely for the love of reading.


Cheyenne said…
Same here...I am a chain reader. As soon as i finish one book, I start another. What a wonderful way to escape the every day pressures of living.
Leslie said…
oh how I love a good book. I could spend all day sipping coffee or tea from the Starbucks cafe while I just browsed a Barnes and Noble. I love to's a adventure.

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