
Independent is one word I use to describe myself. I have always had to depend on myself. If I wanted something done I needed to do it myself. I never had frieds or family, so if I wanted to do something I did it myself. I have never had family, friends, loved ones to define me. I was who I was. That was usually solitary. To me solitary and independent are pretty much the same thing. I will travel by myself, do things by myself. I don't need someone along holding my hand. I am not saying it wouldn't be nice, I am just saying I am independent enough that I would do something myself than not do it at all.

Booboobear lost another tooth yesterday at school. SHe is now missing six. four right across the top and two on the bottom. Somewhere between daycare when she showed the tooth to austin and home she lost her lost tooth. Talk abut hysterics. She wrote a really nice letter to the tootfairy and was rewarded for her honesty.
AND there is a little little peep of white on her front top tooth. One of the two that she had pulled at two. WOOHOOO>


Cassandra said…
Spencer lost a tooth yesterday, too! Neat!!!
Leslie said…
I wish I could say I was independent...but I'm not in many senses of the word. I envy those that are sometimes.
Cheyenne said…
I can be and have been very independent when I needed to. This 2nd marriage is going on 18 years, and I have not needed to be independent within it. However, everyone else has let me down over the years and that is when my "independency" has kicked in, if that makes sense.

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