Second Baby Story

Second baby survey
I got this little survey thing from Kim's baby blog. It's been going around blog world and is all about your first born. I changed it to reflect my second born. So for those that don't know, here's the details on Austins birth!

1. were you married at the time? no.

2. what were your reactions? total disbelief, why hadn't birth control worked

3. how old were you? 35

4. how did you find out you were pregnant? I had been puking in the morning and that overall fatique set in that was still familiar, I put pregnancy test on the grocery list, and let Myles flip when he went shopping

5. who did you tell first? we took it in the afternoon and it was positive, no telling involved, I made Myles check the stick.

6. did you want to find out the sex? didn't want to know and didn't

7. did you deliver early or late? late, original due date July 4, and was induced July 28

8. did you have morning sickness? I puked and puked and puked some more

9. what did you crave? eggs, and I hate eggs

10. who irritated you the most? Alexis

11. what was your second child's sex? Boy

12. how many pounds did you gain throughout the pregnancy? around 15

13. did you have any complications during your pregnancy? I had extreme pain in my side, they suspected a fetus outside the uterus, for months, pain was bad, turned out I had ripped a supporting muslce when I had Alexis, and the scar tissue was stretching with the new weight

14. where did you give birth? Red Deer

15. how many hours were you in labor? not long, I was checked at 3:15 and I was 3 cm dilated, I had him at 3:44pm

16. who drove you to the hospital? Myles, after calling to see if there was room for an inducement

17. who watched? Myles, my mom (not my choice), my friend Yo, and one nurse

18. was it natural or c-section? natural, nurse and family couldn't understand me when I was saying I couldn't not push, the nurse even laid on me and told me I better not be pushing at 3 cm dilation, I ignored her, she decided to check me, she rolled me from my side to my back, and out came Austin, no gloves no nothing, no doctor, no pain meds, nothing

19. did you take medicine to ease the pain? never had a chance

20. how much did your child weigh? 6 lbs 3 oz

21. did your child have any complications? jaundice, and hard time eating

22. what did you name him/her? Austin Lucas; Austin after his paternal grandfather, and Lucas because I liked it, thought I would call him Lucky, but he is Austin

23. how old is your second born today? 4 years


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