First Baby

first baby survey
I got this little survey thing from Kim's baby blog. It's been going around blog world and is all about your first born. So for those that don't know, here's the details on Alexis birth!

1. were you married at the time? no.

2. what were your reactions? total disbelief, hadn't the doctor just told me in June that I could never get pregnant without extensive help?

3. how old were you? 33

4. how did you find out you were pregnant? I went to the doctor thinking I had picked up some kind of tropical bug while in the Caribean, I was tired all the time and just plain felt yucky

5. who did you tell first? I didn't tell anyone for weeks, I was in shock, total shock, then I left a little teddy bear on Myles computer desk, to tell him.

6. did you want to find out the sex? didn't want to know and didn't

7. did you deliver early or late? late, original due date June 26, and was induced July 12

8. did you have morning sickness? just felt kind of yucky only time I threw up was when we missed the plane in Miami to come home, still wonder if it was stress and not the baby

9. what did you crave? pickles, salt and vinegar chips

10. who irritated you the most? no one really

11. what was your first child's sex? Girl

12. how many pounds did you gain throughout the pregnancy? 14 until the two days before I delived and I gained 5 in two days

13. did you have any complications during your pregnancy? High blood pressure to the point I was told to take time off work

14. where did you give birth? Red Deer

15. how many hours were you in labor? about half an hour, at 8:35 pm I had my first contraction and DD was born at 9:02 pm, I was induced at about 8 am though

16. who drove you to the hospital? Myles, after calling to see if there was room for an inducement

17. who watched? Myles, doctor, NICU staff, and ob-gyn specialist

18. was it natural or c-section? natural, with the help of epesiotomy and forceps, the placenta tore, and I was hemoraging bad, if they had not got her out then, we both could easily have died.

19. did you take medicine to ease the pain? never had a chance

20. how much did your child weigh? 6 lbs 10 oz

21. did your child have any complications? since we had lost her heart beat a number of times she was taken to the NICU until after midnight,

22. what did you name him/her? Alexis Marrie, she was born on a Wednesday and we did not name her till Sunday

23. how old is your first born today? 7 years


Leslie said…
that was interesting to read. I may have to do that on my blog when I need something to post.
Anonymous said…
Wow! She really was late!
Nancyroo said…
I'm stealing this!
sweet baby story :)
I craved Salt and Vinegar chips, too.

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