My update today

(-18) degrees Celsius = -0.4 degrees Fahrenheit

Drove home to a little snow falling, woke up this morning to just a little skiff of snow and a temp of -18 celcius, for all my US friends I did the calculator on it, looks like it is just under 0 in farenheit.

My WORD of the day:

cour·te·sy (kûrt-s)
n. pl. cour·te·sies
a. Polite behavior.
b. A polite gesture or remark.
a. Consent or agreement in spite of fact; indulgence: They call this pond a lake by courtesy only.
b. Willingness or generosity in providing something needed: free advertising through the courtesy of the local newspaper.
1. Given or done as a polite gesture: paid a courtesy visit to the new neighbors.
2. Free of charge: courtesy tickets for the reporters.


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