Whale of a tale, landed the white whale of all time.

I get to daycare last night to pick DS up. The manager pulls me aside, I need to talk to you. So we go in the office. Apparently my little boy, in the middle of circle time raised his hand and said he needed to say something. So he proceeds to tell the kindergarten teacher, the other nine students that his Daddy had died, and that there were only three in his family. OMG. Is that a cry out that Daddy has worked far too much this summer. We are used to him being away weekly, but he has worked all but three weekends since June I think. We just have not seen him. It is taking a much bigger toll on DS than I had realized. I asked him later why he said that? He says it was easier than telling the truth. Easier than what truth? That Daddy isn't here. I cried for him. He is struggling so hard. I called DH and told him. His response was that he had been asked to work this weekend too. AAARRRGGGGG.
I asked him to say sorry to the teacher this morning for lieing. He said he would, but when the time came to do it, he retreated. Not a good thing.


Nancywithajones said…
awwwww, maybe hubby can take a break for some one on one with DS. Sounds like his mental way of dealing with daddy not being there. poor kid. :(
hopefully things will calm down soon and get back to "normal" haha
Cheyenne said…
That's one thing I must say while growing up that my Dad was always home at the same time every night and we all sat down to dinner as a family. My folks are gone now, but I will always have those memories of them.
Your post made me tear up a little, feeling very sorry for your son. But in this day and age, it's hard to turn down work when there are so many people out of jobs.
Leslie said…
that stinks. I hope it all starts getting better.
Jenny said…
That's sad - I hope things can get better for all of you soon

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