Brownies starting tonight

DD is so excited that Brownies starts tonight. So excited. SHe got all her uniform together last night, and read the book AGAIN. I asked her what she was excited the most about and she said that there would be no boys. LOL

7 Random things about me:

1) I cannot stand the sight or taste of jello, looking at it gives me the jeebies

2) I just do not get sarcasm, goes right over my head.

3) I probably watch too much TV

4) I am thinking about sky diving and I am terrified of falling at the best of times

5) I enjoy photography, but suck at it

6) I am an introvert not an extrovert

7) I love popcorn


Kristin K Stock said…
Hey girl!! I am going to Kansas...WELLLLLL right now we are lost in Lincoln. Yes..Lincoln Nebraska. Ron said "Sit back honey I know where I am going" I don't care how you get me there just get me to CLINT! :)

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