
I had asked DS why he didn't like circle time at K, he told me it was because HE wasn't doing anything. "Mom, it is boring, I don't get to do anything". I explained to him that he was doing something if he was learning and listening. I am not sure if he understood that.

He did yesterday's worksheet with the other kids in the ECS room, and then asked for more stuff. So he did all the worksheets they had done last week. He is all caught up. He did sit and participate in circle.

I asked him last night what he did in ECS (we are trying not to call it daycare), he says I did all my homework, I learned about my body. Great explanation.

He did have trouble with the transition from outside to inside. He did have a tantrum, and did flail around. It was dealt with. He said he wouldn't do anything, and within two minutes he was playing.

T at the daycare centre is very angry that he was not given more than a two day chance. That the K teacher did not call to find out how they transitioned him. I was surprised at her anger over it, yet at the same time it made me realize she does want what is best for DS.

He would not go to sleep last night. Then his nose and asthma was bad in the middle of the night. Not much sleep. This morning very verbal about not going to daycare, he would not get dressed, put on his crocs, or go to the van. It was a battle, that I won. As soon as we walk in the door at ECS he sits down for snack and is fine. argggg.


Cheyenne said…
I read all your entires on this subject. I really, really feel sorry for your son. It's probably such a big difference of being "free" to do what he wanted (within reason) while at home his first few years, and then have to go to a 'structured' surrounding. Have you thought of home schooling him for the future?
I don't care for teachers than pigeon-hole kids within one to two days' time. They really don't give them a chance to 'settle in' and let their little personalities show up. Your son is more than likely just testing his elders to see what he can get away with, maybe.
I know this is just my opinion, but it might help in some small way.
Paula... said…
I totally agree that they didn't give the little man a chance to settle and get used to his new surroundings. It's a huge step for kids and requires a lot of adjustments and understanding.

Not all kids are the same and it's wrong to expect them all to be "perfect" on day one or two.

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