Thankful Friday

Three things that I am thank ful for on this Friday.

1) my kids although sick and have their allergies and asthma are relatively healthy, and strong and I love them so much

2) my hubby, he has been at my side for so many years, and stayed with me through sickness and health, and good times and bad, even though the vow was never spoken

3) that although I am in chronic constant pain, I am here to see the beauty in the day, give my kids a hug, hear an I love you, and see my hubby.

I am thankful and don't say so often enough.

This is on this weekend, Tony won one of the trial races last night, woohoo, he is HOT, so very very HOT.

I may be in the minority on this but why should Theresa Ernhardt turn over control of DEI Enterprises to Junior. She helped Dale build the company, she has run it since his death, why should she just turn it over to the spoiled little boy that thinks everything should be handed to him. I hope she keeps it, and makes a strong long lasting company out of it.


Kristin K Stock said…
AMEN to Dale JR! I'll have a shot of JACK :) to that one :)
Cheyenne said…
Oh boy, did you ever step on my toes. Seriously, Dale Jr has worked hard for what he has today. Nobody did it for him. His father made the kids work for what they got, it wasn't handed to them on a silver platter. Dale Jr. deserves to have at least half of that company because Dale Sr. built it for the kids and nothing else. So tell me, why should Teresa own it all and not even go to the races. She can't even show her support for Junior and she raised him since he was 6. Why should Dale Jr be treated as if he is 15 and somebody's stepson. I'm not mad at you for what you said, but he's not a bad kid at all. He certainly isn't spoiled. I better quit before I get myself in trouble here.
Anonymous said…
Hugs to you girlie!

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