I have been tagged

I've Been Tagged!
Angelea at Creativemezz has tagged me! She wants to know 6 Quirky things about me.

So, here's 6 of my quirky behaviors...
1. I don't like open closet doors. It bugs me to no end. The closet door has to be closed all the way.
2. I don't like food that is pureed, or texturized, things like applesauce, cream corn gravy.
3. Loud sounds bother me, I don't like them at all, sirens send chills down my spine.
4. I cannot stand for my face or hair to be touched, don't do it
5. I don't like to be touched because I hurt all the time, but I give hugs and rubs all the time to other people.
6. Can't stand the smell of coffee or beer.
I guess I am not all the weird at all. So share your Quirky behaviors Nancyroo, laurensmom, lesfitz, Tag guys!


Leslie said…
I'm on it girlfriend!
Nancyroo said…
I did this last week, Jaci tagged me. It's with my 5 essential items. titled, gimme 5 and 6.

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