
What am I doing on the computer on a Saturday? Not sure myself. SInce I work with computers at work day in, day out, very seldom do I even want to look at one at home. Just don't want to even see one. I think that is why digital scrapping, or scrapping items that you need the computer for have never appealed to me.
The other thing is I am on the phone a lot. Like a total lot. I have no desire to have a cell phone attached to my ear the rest of the time. I just don't get people that think a cell phone is indispensible or that they can't live without it. I don't get that reasoning at all. Or a status symbol. They are not that either now. Back in 1990 when we were one of the first ones to have one in this area, yes they were a little bit of one, but in reality we got one due to my health. And in todays standards they are no status symbol at all. AND people, just because you are talking on the cell phone does not mean the rest of the world is death. Guess what we hear every single thing you are saying. Really we do.


Paula... said…
Oooh I have a huge mobile phone dislike too. I have one purely for emergencies if the school needs me or something. We survived our childhood/teenage years perfectly well without one. The problem being that this is how the children are brought up now - they don't know how to survive without one. Lets face it also, since the phemonomum (ok I know that's spelt wrong but you know what i mean ROFL) of mobile phones - there are less pay phones about (they are being ripped out left, right and centre).

My biggest bug bear about the mobile phones is the rudness that they have instilled in people - hello it is not OK to talk on the phone whilst being served at a cafe/restaurant or whilst being served anywhere - it is plain RUDE!!

OOps sorry - can you tell this topic really gets me going ROFL
Cheyenne said…
Cell phone users in public are a menace to society in more ways than one.
Georgina said…
My mobile phone is glued to me where-ever I go, although when in company I refuse to answer it !

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