My Mom, is a wonder

I went to a stampin up party last night, so I had my Mom up to my house to watch the kids.
She notices never notices that I am not using my right arm and that I can barely move. When I tell her I hurt bad, she asks oh why would you hurt. Its not like she doesn't know I have chronic issues.
After I got home we were just sitting and chatting.
She says so you have a birthday coming up eh. I say yes I do. She then says.......
well more important than yours is your sisters in November. (wondering to myself, why once again my oldest sister is more important than me). I ask her what Doctor she had seen for her female issues, she said she didn't remember. I said that I went and saw this Dr. A. and then she says yes it was probably him that she saw. She never once asked me if I was OK or why I would be seeing a specialist. Not once. She then goes on to tell me about my other sister having blackouts and being in the University Hospital for brain tests and stuff and them not finding anything.
It is like anything that is wrong with me, has to be minimalized due to my sisters. Sisters that do not even talk to me cause they don't like me. They cut me out of their lives years ago.

So a fourth night with little sleep due to pain, and reaching the point of no return emotionally. I have massage to go to this afternoon which I hope helps some, but usually relief after massage is two days away.


Cheyenne said…
Geez, I think your Mom has issues.
The answer to your question on my blog is there was a get-to-know-you meeting at DEI Wed. The new guy Teresa hired was there to meet and greet with Junior and Tony Eury Jr. Teresa opted to stay home as usual. They are preparing for the upcoming contract talks. Junior has not split with DEI ~ yet. Teresa would be a fool to let him go, he is DEI's cash cow. But if he did go I wouldn't blame him, she's weird.
Anonymous said…
Im so sorry you're in so much pain still :( Also sorry that your mom is like that. Just remember she's the one with the problems, its not you. How insensitive!
Nancyroo said…
I'm sorry to hear about your mom's attitude. For years, my husband had to deal with his grandmother, who was the same way as your mom. She would always talk about how great his cousins were and minimize anything that happened to him and his sister.

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