Winter here for good

It is cold, snowy and miserable and windy. I hurt so dang much. My muscles do not do well in the cold wind. Driving in these conditions do nothing for the state of mind either. I got to pass an accident today on an icy hill that involved two school buses two cars and a guard rail. Not much to inspire confidence in other drivers out there. I hope all the kids are Okay. Shook up no doubt but hopefully Okay. My home town is situated in a river valley. You cannot go anywhere without having to go up or down hills. North South East West gotta do hills. That is of course where the accident was on a hill.

I am still driving the van rather than the Suzuki Sidekick 4 x 4 cause he haven't got new tires for it yet, and I think the new van with new tires is better than the 4 x 4 with bad tires. KWIM?

My countertop microwave died last week, the built in one had died in July. SO I bought a new built in one, but DH did not get it installed. He actually had the nerve not even to take it out of the box. Did he really figure I would go a whole week with two kids and no microwave. It is now sitting on the kitchen table. May not be installed but I can use it.

I scrapped yesterday with my daughter while son was at daycare. A real mommy daughter day. We made homemade Christmas cards and scrapbooked. We actually had fun together. We need to do that more often.

Man oh man do I hurt though. I really do. I just plain ache. My clothes hurt my skin I ache so bad.


Paula... said…
Sounds like the cold weather really doesn't agree with you. Hey guess what!! We're two weeks out of summer and it snowed 15km away from my house today brrrr!!! The last time we had snow this close was when I was 18 (yikes)when it actually snowed in our town. Saturday we were getting sunburnt at the local fair and today we're freezing our butts off LOL.
Cheyenne said…
I am so glad I don't have to drive in that stuff anymore. And I am actually looking forward to snow this year.
Havew you thought of moving to a warmer climate?
Lori Petticrew said…
so hate that you hate the snow...but i love it, but i do not live in it either....hugs to you. and i am so happy you and boo got to scrap. that's awesome!
Anonymous said…
Euck!! I hate snow too!! I'm lucky in that it only ever rains in England!! I hate that too!! LOL I like the summer but its never here that often!! I feel for you I do!

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