Update on Austin

His doctor appointment was yesterday. What a day for it. Close to a blizzard. Cold, -40 wind chill, snowing, blowing and miserable. Just a great time to drag a little one around in. NOT.

He is still at 20% for both his height and weight on the charts. Perfectly porportionate as the doctor put it. She is concerned about him not doing any of the diary foods. and maybe vitamin D deficiient. So we will experiement with some rice milk, and oatmeal milk. I never knew that one existed. He does have exema. It is sever. Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize. His coloring is a little wonky. So she shipped us up to the hospital for blood work and pee check. Much easier to do now that he is potty trained than when he wasn't. He thought it was great fun peeing in the cup Mommy was holding. Lets just say, mommy really needed to wash her hands. Nurse had a terrible time getting blood out of him. Poor little guy had me in tears. Then a sponge bob sticker made it all Okay.
She thinks the excessive sleep could be just a growth spurt. One pound up and one inch in the last 4 months. She thinks whoever weighed him at the flu shot clinic could not have done it right. Especially since he had the runs a couple of weekends ago.
More nutrition, more variety, get him to eat small meals more often. Don't overwhelm him with too much food on the plate at the same time, etc etc etc. Cut out junk food, watch what he drinks. That is one thing I do know. If there is no junk food in my house no one can eat it.
So Mommy still is not feeling allright about the whole thing, I will feel better once all the tests with the blood and pee come back.
I then had to traipse all over the hospital to find the instant teller machine, three different people gave me three different sets of instructions to find it. (Maybe that is why men never ask.) I had to have cash to bail out the vehicle from parking at the hospital. Friday in Canada the debit machines were all down due to Black Friday in the states. So my emergency money had been spent and I had nothing on me. So after all that walking, and Austin was very good. I go to leave the parking lot, and the attendent tells me the time stamp never went on my stub so no charge. Ironic eh?

All in all I had to dump him in and out of snow suits 8 times. Not a happy thing to do. And it is still blinking cold here.

The toothfairy managed to make it to our house for Alexis first lost tooth. Even with the cold, it didn't hurt her wings.


AshleyS said…
hope all the tests come back normal--
Anonymous said…
Glad to see you finally got in to see the Dr - I hope the tests come back normal :)

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