What is Armistice Day?

A two minute silence is observed at 11am on 11th day of the 11th month because this is when the Great War, or World War 1, came to end in 1918.

Now this anniversary is used to remember all the people who've died in wars since World War 1.

Lest we Forget


Eden said…
yeah i've done alot of studying of the world war 1 its so amazing the sacrifices that these young men went through all for peace. though we never achieved full peace we have gained alot thanks to them. great blog post.

Paula... said…
We simply call it "Rememberence Day" over here and it's when we honor/pay tribue to all those that lost their lives in all wars. Without their ultimate sacrifices we wouldn't have the freedom we enjoy today.
Kristin K Stock said…
That photo is beautiful! I love it Oscar. Very cool....
I had no idea bout the moment of silence! Thanks for sharing that!

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