Weekly Wednesdays

My Mom is doing great. They couldn't find any polyps to remove yesterday, so no testing for cancer. Doctor could detect a pressure from the outside to the inside of the colon though. So is ordering a cat scan to try and figure out what it is. Possibility of it being scar adhesions from her appendix removal back in March.

The bankruptcy sale yesterday was heartbreaking. Not the sale itself, but the loss of the hopes and dreams the family once held. The anger those kids are trying to deal with against their late father, and feeling guilty about it. I cried last night, really cried.

DD seems to be feeling better. She goes to see the dentist today.

DS had a great drop off at kindergarten this morning. I have to attend a kindergarten meeting tonight.

LOST comes on tonight. For three hours. Not a chance I will get to watch it, but will try. It is being recorded so I can watch on the weekend. I will just have to avoid spoilers on it.


Paula... said…
So glad to hear your mum is doing well. It's been such a hard time for you of late - so emotional. Hang in there, things will get better :)
Yankee said…
Glad to hear that your mom is doing better.
It's been a long week.
Anonymous said…
Glad to hear that you mom did well.

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