Lovely blog award

My friend Jenny from New Zealand, previously from South Africa (I love world people), gave me a lovely blog award.

Now it is my turn to pass it on to at least seven other people. I choose: Lesle, Lesfitz, Paula, Cass, Kristen, Denise, Jes. Now friends, this is what you have to do: 1. Add the logo to your blog.2. Link to the person from whom you received this award.3. Nominate 7 or more blogs.4. Leave a message on their blog, letting them know they have “One Lovely Blog”!


Cheyenne said…
Congtrats on the award.

You asked about a wind turbine over at my blog. They generate power from wind to give us electricity. I have a post ready to publish very soon about the turbines and our usage of one.
Cassandra said…
Thank you chickie!!!
Yankee said…
Thanks, kiddo.
Yankee said…
Leslie said…
congrats on your award and thanks for sharing it with me!
Paula... said…
Congrats on your award and than for passing it on to me. I have received from two wonderful friends now :)))

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