I am freaking freezing.

I want to go away on a tropical holiday, I want a fire place, I want to be warm. I wore a warm sweater and vest today and jeans and am still freezing. I think it is as cold inside as it is outside. arrrrggggg. It is -18 C or 0 F right now. This morning it was -27c with a -35 windchill. Here I sit bitching as my DH is outside working in it. Lets not tell him. LOL


Yankee said…
I'm right there with you. I was just saying that I can't stand this cold and the winter has just begun.
Amy said…
I don't like the cold either, but I know it's nowhere near as cold here as it is in Alberta so I won't complain.
Anonymous said…
You can come visit me, I have a fireplace.....AND NO SNOW!!!
Jenny said…
So you don't want me to tell you it is almost 10pm here, the doors and windows are open and I have a T-Shirt on! Also that we are off to the beach on Wednesday?
Paula... said…
LOL Jenny, she won't want to hear that we're expecting 37C the next couple of days either :-P
Cheyenne said…
It is cuyrrently 25 deg.F here right now. And yes it seems colder in the house when it is colder outside. And I refuse to turn the heat up. But it sure feels good when I come from outside to the inside after feeding the cats early in the morning and again around 4pm.

I hate cold weather. Especially the dampness of it. I would love to live where it is warm all year round, too.
Jenny said…
Wanted to let you know that I have choosen you for a 'Lovely Blog Award. Check out my blog to find the award picture then ...1. Add the logo to your blog.2. Link to the person from whom you received this award.3. Nominate 7 or more blogs.4. Leave a message on their blog, letting them know they have “One Lovely Blog”!
Jennifer said…
Hey Oscar, I hope you start feeling warmer soon ... that Alberta Clipper is on its way here overnight tonight and I hate the cold too. Hope you have a wonderful '09 and thanks for stopping by. I miss you since I don't hang at SJ anymore.
Leslie said…
saying HI!
Lori Petticrew said…
oh, that's cold! brrrrrrr
Anonymous said…
I can't even imagine what that feels like. I do remember talking to one of my coworkers in Calgary. I asked her how the weather was and she replies, "Oh, it's warming up, today its just 12 below."

I don't care if that's C or F, that's still freezing!

You don't have a fireplace? I have a fireplace I'm not using. You want I should send it up? ;-)

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