Too Much Time on Your Hands

People that say they are bored get to me. People that say they are bored over and over and over get to me even more. It drives me insane. I never ever ever have enough time in a day, week, month, year, to get done everything that I want to get done. I just do not have the time. When was the last time I was bored. UMMMM Maybe as a ten year old kid on the farm I might have had ten minutes to think about it. Is it just that I have a ethic that I have to do stuff, is it just the way that my brain is wired, I am not sure. But truthfully boredom does not sit well with me. How can people say they are bored? Get off their asses and go and do something end of story. No boredom left. RIght? There is so much in this world that either:
1) Has to be done
2) Needs to be done
3) Should be done
that I very seldom ever get a chance to:
4) Do what I would like to do
5) Do something for myself
6) Do something for the sheer enjoyment of it

even if and I say if very remotely that I ever managed to get items 1 through 6 done, I still would not be bored cause there is always something that would interest me. Maybe it is because I have looked death in the eye a few too many times. That I truly know that you enjoy today cause there might not be tomorrow or the day after.
So my musings for today, is if you are one of these overly bored people, get a life there is too much to be done to allow boredom.


Lori Petticrew said…
whoa!!!!!! LMBAO!!!!! i know !!!
Nancyroo said…
Hey, i agree with you. DH is always bored. I say, "Hey, I do not have the luxury of being bored. Must be nice to live such a carefree existance."
AshleyS said…
I don't get bored--I'm perfectly happy to do NOTHING!
Cheyenne said…
Amen, sister!
Broken Beth said…
Bein bored is a luxury I'd love to have

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