Question Blog Challenge

What is the hardest question you have ever had to ask?
Asking my Mom questions about my father. She always always answered that it was none of my business. I have no idea if the man that was married to her is my father. If the father of my one older sister is my father. If it is someone else. SInce I was about 5 and started asking questions this is the most difficult one for me. Who is my father? Why didn't I have one when everyone else did? Why was I not good enough to love? Who is my father? Who is my Father? and to hear back for the last 35 years that it is none of my business cuts to my very core. I want to know who he is or was, I want to know the medical history, I want to know why he thought he could just walk away, I want to know why I was a disposable child, I want to know I have always wanted to know. It has affected every single aspect of my life. It is the hardest thing I have ever asked. (And I have never gotten an answer)

what is the hardest question you have ever had to answer?

I was seventeen living with my boyfriend raising my four year old niece at the same time. My boyfriend at the time was Dave. My male friend Greg came over to visit. My niece was playing outside then inside then outside then inside back and forth over and over and over and over. Her coming in and out drove me nuts. I asked her why she was doing it. This is the question I got in return:
From my four year old Mommy takes every boy that comes to our house into her bedroom I was seeing if you and Greg would go into the bedroom. How come Mommy does and you don't. What the hell do you answer to that kind of question? Without saying something less than complimentary about her Mom, and without making her ask more questions. SO I answered that I loved Dave and that I only went to the bedroom with him, and that Greg was just a friend. SO why does MOmmy do it? So I say well maybe Mommy hasn't found just one person to love yet.
Of course in the world of a four year old a version of this is passed on to my sister and man did I get hung over that. But under the circumstances I answered it the only way I could. But it was hard.


Jenny said…
Hugs, Oscar, big hugs

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