Sometimes you cannot win for losing.....

Seven negative random facts........

1) I don't always know when to keep my mouth shut

2) I am useless when it comes to technology

3) I scream at my kids at times

4) I am a pesimist...been pissed on way too many times

5) I have anxiety issues

6) I am morbidly obese

7) I do not feel emotions the way others perceive them

Seven Positive Random Facts:

1) I am strong ( I have put up with lots and I still stand )

2) I work hard to keep a roof over our heads and food in our mouths

3) I am a loyal person

4) I can still cry (when the time comes that I can't I will know life is over)

5) I appreciate nature



Seven totally random facts:

1) I love to express myself creatively

2) photography was a passion of mine from the age of 10

3) I cannot cook, unless it comes out of a package and goes in the oven or can be microwaved I am useless in the kitchen

4) I have to way the pro's and con's of everything, to figure out if the expenditure of energy is worth the reward of doing "it"

5) I literally hate food, but am fat

6) I worry way too much

7) I live with chronic pain


Nancyroo said…
2 more positives for you:
1) you are very generous
2) You are caring
3) You are a good listener
4) You are a good scrapper

ok, that was 4...don't sell yourself short, girl!
Anonymous said…
You see yourself as a pessimist, but I think being realistic is a good trait. I think it is difficult for most people to shrug off what life has dealt them, so you are not unusual . . . but you are standing strong regardless, and that's a very good thing.

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