Texas Album Pages 1 - 5


Stacy said…
Lookin good! You are so on the ball with scrapping the Fest pics this early!
freida said…
WOW, you look AWESOME!I know y'all had a blast.Love your idea of having jazzers journal,especially Jim's!God bless Christy!Awesome pics...wish I could have been a fly on the wall!! Love ya!
freida said…
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Oh, I am completely envious!!!!
Noel said…
Oh...I love that you had everyone fill out a card to go with their pictures!! Fantastic idea!

Looks like it was a blast!
Anonymous said…
what a great idea! i love christy's dh's comment!!! *rofl*

i'm so glad you got to go and that you had a wonderful time. i'm so jealous that everyone else got to meet you. we're gonna have to figure something out!!

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