Is it just me (heavy thought)

or do other women at various times in their lives feel like they are a total failure at one specific thing. I would imagine that the one specific things changes from woman to woman, but I really wonder sometimes if I am the only one or if others feel it too.

There is one area of my life (I am not going to name it) that I feel I am a complete total failure. I feel that I do not have the knowledge or skills or ability to figure out how to make it better. I want to, I really do, I accept that it is my fault (not in a martyr way), but I just do not know what to do, how to change, to make this area of my life different. A success would be nice, but right now I would settle for just making that one area different. Am I the only one?


Leslie said…
its not just you...I have my area(s) as well.
Paula... said…
Believe me it's not just you - I have quite a few areas and my lack of confidence in myself is a major major one!

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