A - Available or single: neither
B - Best Friend: Greg
C - Cake or Pie: lemon merangue pie
D - Drink of choice: Coke or tequila
E - Essential Item you use everyday: deodorant
F - Favorite color: blue
G - Gummy Bears or worms: spiders
H - Hometown: caroline
I- Indulgence: sleep
J - January or February: Februay my birthday, and winter almost over
K - Kids & Names: Alexis and Austin
L - Life is Incomplete Without? Love
M - Marriage Date: ???????
N - Number of Siblings: two sisters
O - Oranges or Apples: oranges
P - Phobias or Fears: fire, bats, enclosed spaces, driving
Q - Fave Quote: Babies are Bits of Stardust Blown from the hand of God
R - Reason to Smile: laughter
S - Season: spring
T - Tag 3 or 4 people: DTC, Lori, Lilly, Leslie
U - Unknown Fact about Me: I have a heart and it can get hurt
V- Vegetable You Don't Like: easier to name ones I do like
W - Worst Habit: eating for comfort
X - Xrays: didn't go for the last ordered ones
Y - Your Fave Food: BBQ ribs
Z - Zodiac Sign: Aquarius, the water bearer
B - Best Friend: Greg
C - Cake or Pie: lemon merangue pie
D - Drink of choice: Coke or tequila
E - Essential Item you use everyday: deodorant
F - Favorite color: blue
G - Gummy Bears or worms: spiders
H - Hometown: caroline
I- Indulgence: sleep
J - January or February: Februay my birthday, and winter almost over
K - Kids & Names: Alexis and Austin
L - Life is Incomplete Without? Love
M - Marriage Date: ???????
N - Number of Siblings: two sisters
O - Oranges or Apples: oranges
P - Phobias or Fears: fire, bats, enclosed spaces, driving
Q - Fave Quote: Babies are Bits of Stardust Blown from the hand of God
R - Reason to Smile: laughter
S - Season: spring
T - Tag 3 or 4 people: DTC, Lori, Lilly, Leslie
U - Unknown Fact about Me: I have a heart and it can get hurt
V- Vegetable You Don't Like: easier to name ones I do like
W - Worst Habit: eating for comfort
X - Xrays: didn't go for the last ordered ones
Y - Your Fave Food: BBQ ribs
Z - Zodiac Sign: Aquarius, the water bearer
I love these things, b/c I like learning about each other.
You can still visit me even though its not on blogger! Click "new blog" on my last post and it will take you there.