Stolen from Leslie

Name 3 things you have done in your life which you surprised yourself with:

1) Knowing enough to leave home at 17 because it was the best thing I could do, having the guts not to go back. Finishing grade 11 and 12 on my own, then moving to a big city to go to college all by myself.

2) Standing up for myself after a fiance hit me once and telling him "If you ever hit me again I am gone" He did, and I was gone. I watched my two older sisters in abusive relationships for years will not tolerate it.

3) I climbed a glacier.


Leslie said…
even though I don't know all the details of the first one...I'm proud of you for doing right by you. for the second one....again I'm proud of you for standing up for yourself. I told DH that as well (even though he never hit me...I just gave him fair warning in case he did). and for the third....that's amazing! I've been around them but never climbed on one.

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