To add to my stress levels

I have had pain in my left breast since February. With my normal doctor on sick leave, and then stuff happening with Mom, I dealt with it by buying softer bras. I would cry in bed at night from the pain if I wore a normal bra.

So at my physical today, I tell Dr. E about it. She is concerned at the amount of pain I am in from her touching it. She has me set up with a mamogram and ultrasound for it on a day later this month. If it is a cyst I need to go to a needle aspiration clinic and have it sucked out. If the ultrasound shows more density, there will have to be a biopsy.

I feel like I have been hit with a truck.

I don't want it to be there, I don't want it to hurt, I don't want to face this. I did learn something though. She asked me to describe the pain, I told her that if I was still breastfeeding that I would have thought it was mastitius. She said you can still get that even if you are not breastfeeding, but she didn't think that was it.


Carrie said…
Oh Oscar...I hope that it's a quick fix. I pray that your mamo comes out normal. {hug}
Cassandra said…
Hoping you are fixed up soon. My Mom's friend recently had a cyst/aspiration-- not a picnic, but much better news than anything else. I hope you feel better!

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