That snooze button

bugs me, gets me in trouble, and why oh why does it even exist. I get into so much trouble over it. Thinking I have only snoozed once, only to find out I have snoozed over and over. argggg.

DD wiped out royally on her bike last night. Huge scrape on just above her elbow, and her knee is scraped, pants torn. I was scared she had smashed her face again the way she went down. First time I let her practice in an empty parking lot. She has been riding for less than a week. Huge wide open parking lot, supposed to be practicing circles and figure eights. She got to close to the curb where all the lose sand and dirt from winter still is. She was turning at the time, and braking and her wheel just went out from under her, she does not have the expierience yet to compensate. So down she went. She was very mad at me that I made her ride her bike back to where the van was parked. Poor DS thought it was his fault.


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