Thoughtful Thursday

- Canada had a federal election on Tuesday. A colassal waste of money and time. Our political system really needs revamped. We do not get a vote for a leader, we only get a vote for our local representative. And then whoever is the head of that party that gets the most representatives becomes our prime minister. And people can stay in office for as long as they are voted in. No 8 year rules here. So we need a reform done on our system. It does not work the way it currently is.

- Tory blue, sweeps Alberta election after election after election. Just cause. However, an NDP candidate managed to unseat an 11 year veteran Tory MP in Edmonton. IT CAN BE DONE. I love it. Arragance does not become Rahim Jaffer. He will not conceed defeat.

- Things kids say. Talking at the pediatricians yesterday, about all that is wrong with DS. He pipes up, "I am cold because Mommy doesn't dress me warm enough." I felt about two inches tall. Then I laughed. Today he is wearing his winter coat and mittens.

-Double booking yourself, triple booking yourself, or just plain crazy. I signed up for a 12 hour crop at my LSS in August for this Saturday. Then I get an invitiation to a friends wedding on Saturday. The kids have gymnastics on Saturday. And I find out my little Brownie needs to go selling Girl Guide Cookies on Saturday.

- DD asking questions about the "credit crunch". Telling her people buy things now on credit hoping to have the money to pay for them later. And when later comes and they do not have the money then there is a "credit crunch". She thinks about it and says well that isn't very smart. People shouldn't do that.


Paula... said…
You've got a smart little DD there - nope definately not smart! Too many people live beyond their means in this day and age - it seems having the big house or new car is more important to them :(
Yankee said…
Ha! Another blog for me to stalk!

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