
My 5 year old DS is scared of halloween.

He is a kid that really needs the routine, and the sameness in his life.
Halloween just has so many changes going on, that he freaks.

Last night at a Halloween Party, he had the most major meltdown. Try to explain to a room full of condescending parents why a five year old is acting like that. One time his being way small came in handy, some of them thought he was younger than 5 and were more understanding.

There were no scary or frightening costumes, no weapons.

It wasn't fair to my DD to make her leave because of him, it wasn't fair to him to make him stay. Some days I need more of me than there are.

We ended up playing with balloons at the other end of the room, and hearing every five minutes, is it done yet, can I go home now.

He didn't eat snack in the afternoon, he didn't eat supper before the party, he only drank the juice at the party, never touched the treats. Would not eat breakfast this morning. Today is going to be a long day.

He would not wear his costume to daycare today, he is in black and orange today.


Cheyenne said…
Being different is not so bad. Of course I don't know your son well enough to make a judgment like that, but I was the same way growing up. I still am in a way, but I can also tell a room full of people off if I want to. That comes with age...and I am sure your son will do the same. We march to the beat of a different drummer, we do things the way we want them done and not because someone else told us the way to do things, and in my case I never let anyone get all that close to me except my husband and daughter. Sorry if I ranted on here, but the point is, he's going to be fine.
Cassandra said…
Oh poor baby! Hopefully your hugs reassured him until he can come to a comfort level on his own.

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