Back to the pediatrician today:

Keep in mind in Canada you do not just "have" a pediatrician for your kids. They have to be sick enough to be referred to one. This particular one Dr. M, has seen DS before for weight loss and hearing issues and did his circumcisn too.

So after answering two hours worth of questions, and questionairres, and explaining things, I have another referral to the dietician, one to an allergist, and one to a behavior specialist. And a followup appointment in a month.

DS has grown one inch since February. he is now 43 inches, he would be totally legal at Disney now. He is 35 pounds. Has asthma.

Nothing really I didn't know before. Dr. M disagrees with Dr. E that he is not iron deficient. That I should finish the bottle of iron supplements and not give him any more. He does need supplemenation of vitamin D though.

I asked and asked again that somehow all these individual things be pulled together so that all are treated and not everything treated individually. I have a real gut instinct that everything is intertwined.


Paula... said…
WOW lots of bits and pieces everywhere - surely, as you say, these could all be brought together and mean something collectively rather than individually IYKWIM

I sure hope you can get some answers soon.

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